2nd Chakra - base desires
card represents the polar opposite of the one preceding it –
Temperance. We touched only lightly upon the negative aspects that
can occur when we allow ourselves to be intemperate, to give in to
base desires. This archetype embodies all that can befall a person
who allows pure materialism and sense pleasures to rule in his or her
life, as is depicted by the naked couple - representing sense
pleasures, and fastened to a heavy block - representing materialism.
Second chakra sense pleasures by the way are not 'of the devil' in
themselves – sex is a part of our lives and may be enjoyed
completely when some discernment is used in choosing a partner. This
couple however is chained to darkness. The Devil sits upon the anchor
they've attached themselves to, holding it fast, and he is seen in a
ruling position over the couple, but who are quite willingly
participating in this threesome. This type of gratification cannot
sustain itself throughout a life. Even a dive into an all-night binge
may be fun for awhile, but we will breathe its dark breath in the
morning. When prolonged, it will, of its very nature erode the
spirit, as the spirit has become attached to material sources of
pleasure, and all material things are perishable.
card however is not just about sense pleasures; it embodies all
realms of gross materialism. At it's core lies greed in all
its forms: fear, hatred, creation of enemies; all forms of
self-inflation through the denial and non-caring of others - is at
the root of this elemental malaise of the spirit. It's a personal
decision, it's not 'The Devil' that made them do it, it's they who've
willingly stepped forward and allowed 'The Devil' to become their
master. The greatest transgressors are usually institutions and
governments that acquire power and fortunes through deceit and
violence. This is at the radical end of the spectrum, but is, alas,
quite common. It's a seductive path for one to take and is an almost
incurable disease once it sets into a human heart. One who commands
and rules by way of these means may gain massive adulation - it's
still the way of the world to idolize such powerful figures - but at
the core, such beings are wrought with paranoia, enmities, anxieties,
suspicions, all products of living a life based upon destroying
others for their gains.
when we adopt these ways, even tangentially in supportive roles and
jobs; even in going along with destructive government policies, we
create and cultivate within ourselves the substance of that malaise –
which then grows like a mold inside us. At this point the angels of
goodness have little access, as walls of defenses, both physical and
psychological have been erected to block divine entry. At the center
of such fortresses, karmas are held at bay by these institutional
walls; armies and nations can roll like a juggernaut for a long time
before they eventually meet their demise.
let's bring this down to a more ordinary day to day perspective –
most of us have not given in to the evil forces of darkness. We do
however live somewhat in between both worlds of the celestial and the
underworld. We may be subjected to depressions, fits of anger, clouds
of jealousy, or a general lethargy that can't be easily shaken. If
so, all we can do is to try to locate and examine the causes and
reasons for our mood shifts and gradually find ways to raise and
stabilize our level of happiness. For what is 'The Devil' but the
absence of the inner joy that is our true nature? Joy is our natural
Ananda G. Brady copyright 2011
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