12 The Hanged Man

Number 12 Surrender

Surrender is sometimes the best approach to take and whether voluntarily or forced, no choices are left to be made. So as we get out of our own way the road is cleared for providence to step in. To the extent we surrender and allow any given scenario to play itself out, whether it be a pleasant or unpleasant experience, the more the situation may right itself. Cosmic mind wants us to use our judgement, our wisdom, our discernment and intelligence – every faculty we possess – but it would also like to participate in our adventure, and would appreciate us stepping aside at least once in awhile. So often we make a situation worse, or curtail by our ego demands something that has the potential to grow to so much more. We'd be astounded at how things might unfold if we let a greater entity complete for us what we have set in motion. If we go on thinking that there is no greater mind, then we'll go on behaving as if we are the greatest mind there is – all the while cursing our limitations. All the giant innovaters in any field draw their inspiration from a source above and beyond themselves; so we too have the opportunity to channel from larger pools of wisdom and knowledge than we possess personally. The Hanged Man is smiling and with a bright golden halo surrounding his head - a sense of well-being emanates from him indicating that he knows that even though he is without means to manipulate the situation at hand, he has one advantage, and that is his patience.

The halo signifies that he has become willing to accept his situation and has given himself over to whatever the outcome may be. When left undisturbed, nature takes on the most exquisite forms. A primeval forest, a snowflake, ripples on a calm lake, incense smoke in a still room – our lives can take on this natural beauty as well if we don't try too hard to craft the outcomes ourselves. Herein lies the wisdom of maxims such as 'giving up the fruits of our actions,' 'non-attachment to results', "Let go, Let God" etc.

There will be an answer, let it be...

By Ananda G. Brady copyright 2011

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