13 Death

Number 13 1st Chakra, survival – 7th Chakra, Transcendence

Whether ego death such as loss, disappointment, humiliation, a radical change in our identity and sense of self – or death of the body itself, we must consider all aspects of this most grave of images to appear. Many interpreters will say that the “Death” card 'does not mean death of the body,' but how can we be honest about any spiritual inquiry while at the same time skirting around the central issue? Our death is a certainty so let's not avert our eyes from this singularly most universal event, especially since the point of our study is to understand all aspects of life's spiritual journey. Of course we must also think in terms of the smaller ego deaths, all of which bring about transformations as we move through life, so when this card comes up, we must not assume the other extreme; that it means only our impending doom. The Rider card shows a skeleton clad in black armour on a white horse, riding arrogantly over a stricken body in an open field - a fearsome and threatening picture, to be sure. We are to be struck down impersonally, and Death rides on – we are left with the equally estranged personage of a bishop hovering over us, presumably to pray for our souls. Scant recognition of the rising sun and the flowing river is shown in the symbology of this card – the black knight carrying a black flag dominates. Our minds have been inseminated with this type of dark imagery all our lives – no wonder we fear. Contrast this to the Hindu mind-set, for an example, which holds dear the vision of Shiva, a colorful personality who watches over us until our moment comes, then greets us with liberation as we pass. Many people actually look forward with anticipation, rather than anguish, this most certain of occurrences.
When this card turns up, best to take it as a prompting to contemplate and consider how we view death on all of its levels. It most certainly and primarily deals with transformation/ rebirth/reformation/regeneration. To accentuate the positive side, let's try rearranging this card a bit, bringing the river and the rising sun in the foreground, putting the galloping skeleton on the ground, from it a golden spirit arising with the sun and flowing with the river to the sea; this may be a more beneficial meditation – and lead to a happier outlook in general.

By Ananda G. Brady copyright 2011

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