4 The Emperor

Though paired by association of title, the Emperor would not make a suitable companion for the Empress. She would do well with the mercurial Magician, but not with the empirical bureaucracies the Emperor involves himself with. The 'emperor' is allegory for any person who qualifies to hold a position of great authority, such as an elected or appointed official, the singular figurehead of a nation etc. He sees in terms of discipline, rule of law, protocol, and resides chiefly in artificial environments. His forays into the wilds of nature would be accompanied by firearms or fishing gear sooner than with brushes and easel; in any case he would feel the need to capture and own its grandeur by some means, rather than simply being content to be in it. He believes himself to be the essential pillar of his society, keeping it in running order and free from marauding elements which are ever – in his mind - seeking to destroy or tamper with it. His male-ness is as full as the Empress's female-ness, though not as balanced, as he would guard against his yin, or feminine side from showing; whereas the Empress may express herself boldly, in a very unladylike fashion, if the need arises. He makes for a good provider and family man, and his household will run as smoothly, (at least by appearances) as his office. If he's chosen a suitable mate, such as one who lives more in accordance with the worldly aspects of 'Temperance', or 'Justice' - they should form a solid bond and produce children of substance, but may be emotionally damaged if love and caring were denied in their formative years.
In its darkest manifestation, all manner of corruption may prevail, as the power that goes with the office is easily misused and mistaken for right, simply by believing that the virtue of the office itself gives license to any action deemed to be 'for the greater good.' This kind of fervor may actually be believed, but more commonly, it is usurped as a guise for personal greed.
But in the healthiest form of this archetype, the Emperor will have a great measure of compassion and integrity; his kingdom, his office, his family will be nurtured by it, and optimal conditions will flower around him.

By Ananda G. Brady copyright 2011

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