5 The Hierophant

Number 5
3rd Chakra – power
This card represents the world of ordered beliefs, structured religion, and the Hierophant is the gatekeeper of the doctrines which apply to his sect. He is the true believer who has mastered the disciplines involved with his particular system - to the point where he can become the entrusted one with its keys. He would be the religious counterpart to the Emperor; one who upholds the letter of the law, and as such would hold views in antipathy with say, the Magician or the Fool. This archtype is important to consider, as the presence in this world of organized religion is so prevalent. He and his legions provide comfort and support to those who's spiritual development requires a solid structure with regulations to follow. But those who's nature is more closely associated with the first four principles (cards) of the major arcana, ie the Fool, the Magician, the High Priestess and the Empress, will find the Hierophant and all he stands for to be severely restricting. Some people find these institutions to be extremely inhibiting. With the practice of deeply accepted, falsely contrived superstitions and dogmas they can even be dangerous, as organized religion has been known to manifest in insidiously violent means of enforcement of their doctrines.
Those who are practicing to become spiritually free are doing so for any number of reasons, and direct or indirect reactions against the practices of organized religions is high on the list. Superstition can be so subtle as to be nearly undetectable and to see through them to universal realities requires brave action and incisive vision. This path to liberation, once embarked upon, may take a lifetime and more for one to come to complete freedom, but as the Fool already intuits, no endevour is more important; in fact it is the very purpose of life. For some, the break from a structured belief system is as easy as walking away, but with others who have been deeply inculcated from childhood, it's not so simple. Family members, friends, spouses, children are all involved; to turn from their religion would be to turn from them. But perhaps the pressures applied by these widepread organizations are a blessing in disguise. Without them the incentives which propel the dissatisfied seeker may be so diminished as not to produce seekers in the world at all.
This world is about karma, it's where we work it all out. and when we begin to realize that our present life's condition is an aggregate result of all our past actions, including our well-considered decisions along with our impulsive actions, and of our present beliefs, preferences, aversions and general state of mind, then we will begin to realize that we have the means to set straight all that is out of balance in our lives, as karma's purpose in the grand design of things is to continually bring us face to face with ourselves. Karma can be punishing but is not about punishment, it is about getting free from our missteps.
So we must also take this into consideration, and keep the institutions we protest in our hearts - they are owned and operated by people, and to eject other humans from our hearts is exactly what holds the human soul in bondage. We must not adopt another form of the malady we are trying to heal from, namely the idea that there is such a thing as the other. It's only us - one big Earth Family, and each of us wants to be happy, so even when we're campaigning against any group we deem to be harmful or oppressive, we must try to remember their human-ness, even when they do not recognize it in us. This is where the extremes meet - ultimate compassion, face to face with ultimate oppression - the ultimate test for the seeker of liberation to pass through successfully .
To cite as an example one well-known practitioner: the Dalai Lama of Tibet. He prays continuously for the invaders of his country. He prays for and envisions their spiritual enlightenment and does not in any way advocate retaliation against them, even though they have been conducting a horrible genocide against his people for decades, right up to the present day. He maintains steadfastly that they are causing suffering not only for others but for themselves as well, as all karmas incurred will return. He also knows that if the cycle of violence is to end, it must end somewhere, so he and legions of his devotees bear it and absorb it – daily. Therein the logic of wishing happiness rather than condemnation or military retaliation; the enlightened, divinely joyful mind is not capable of causing harm, even when it appears to be justified. To create a positive spiral of happiness and forgiveness, rather than the negative spiral of death and revenge is the ultimate goal of the true spiritual seeker.
To complete the example of the Dalai Lama, he then becomes paradoxical; he is by definition a keeper of secret doctrine, therefore fitting into our working definition of the Hierophant. But the Dalai Lama is certainly no one to fear or refute - which suggests that not all organized religions are worthy of directing our protests against.

By Ananda G. Brady copyright 2011

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